Lundi 15 août 2011

Porn star Michael Jordan wore jersey York still did not forget the upper body half-naked teasing

According to the British "Sun" the latest report, page three girl, Blackburn star Michael Jordan has always been York's ex-girlfriend's breast to show off their huge pride, so every time her picture appeared in newspapers are almost as much as possible when exposed to sexy, this one is no exception, but Jordan put on a sudden there are 19 numbers printed on dark blue shirt to participate as guests of Sky TV a file named "dream team" talk show, how many viewers are familiar with her a bit surprised.

However, not even topless, Jordan did not forget to show their sexy. "The Sun" published photos
Film shows her wearing the shirt though this is an ordinary T-shirt, but Jordan did not follow normal to put on uniforms, but only the shirt wrapped in a body, so that her bare breasts are still above Xiang Jian, and Jordan also intends to make a hand to squeeze the breast's provocative actions, you can clearly see her cleavage and bulging breasts on the half. It seems, no matter what kind of clothes to wear, Jordan is "a leopard change its spots."

According to York's friends say 25-year-old Jordan, her body this shirt is hard to come to York, and now plays for Blackburn Rovers York on wearing cheap jersey No. 19. The friend said: "York I heard that Jordan should attend as guests of the recording of television programs, immediately called Jordan warned her not to wear too much exposure on television, but Jordan has this as a reason for him to Yue Kesuo NBA JerseysCheap jerseys NBA Atlanta Hawks 2 Joe Jonson Navy White Jersey York is no way it will give her shirt did not think she could use a big issue, still put themselves so sexy, this is definitely unexpected York also. "

However, this friend also had to "sigh" Jordan "as if some sense of humor, and York, after all, Jordan 7 months old son Harvey's biological father, Jordan seems to have to eat regardless of her quasi- What made unreasonable demands, York can only submit. "

This spring, Jordan will be on multiple television debut, it seems, although not very good reputation, but the Page Three Girl has indeed Tingyou appealing to viewers, no wonder the "Sun" always like to report her sex scandal and anecdotes for the music 
Par mlbjerseys123 - 0 commentaire(s)le 15 août 2011

Haslem's jersey

"Florida Sun Sentinel" columnist Ira - Undeman answered fans' questions, Undeman that Miami will be the old retired captain Udo Nice - Haslem's cheap jersey, he also said the issue of control of the Heat ball defender Mario - Chalmers can be tamed, but the Heat may not be able to wait until that moment -

    Fans: Chalmers can be tamed? In addition to his squad Dwyane Heat - Wade killer instinct than most players, but unfortunately, his stupid fouls in the game too much, and often make bad decisions.

    Undeman: Yes, you have to describe very complete Chalmers. As the former Heat player Dorell - Wright, as Chalmers has too many "This is my fault," the moment. Can he be tamed? Of course. But traded him away before the Heat will give him much time?

    Fans: Please tell me the Heat Haslem's NBA Jerseys will be retired it?

    Undeman: First, the Heat Haslem will end his career here, in the future we will see the Miami Heat retired his jersey, especially in the team he spent so many years.

    Fans: Can the middle-class exception Heat the terms used in a particular free agent who? I remember this clause is used to sign Mike - Miller?

    Undeman: the middle is a special case of NBA (microblogging) wage requirement for the special case of the team, this provision allows the team to the league average salary per year salary to sign free agents. Terms of different levels are different, such as in the previous collective bargaining agreement provisions, it is also can be used once every two years, two-years exception. The question now is whether the new labor agreement in terms of producing a special case, but the Heat did not sign with the special case of Miller products, but rather through trade - Michael Beasley pay vacated space.
Par mlbjerseys123 - 0 commentaire(s)le 15 août 2011

Sexy "Kournikova as the girl next door

in the U.S. last year, show the set of blue, white, gray mosaic three-color T-shirt, blue jersey miniskirt like appearance of this new service can be divided into tops and tennis skirts --- for Kournikova wear, the can reveal a waistline.

But with the consistent performance out of sexy, this year Kournikova apparently wants to go "pure" line. The new tennis clothes to wear three-piece, the blonde Kournikova seems to have become a gentle and charming girl next door.

The tight-fitting blue shirt all the tone, style shirt is a simple ordinary tennis vest, light blue printed stripes on blue background pattern, the next with a light blue skirt, clothes and CD package a change is in order and skirt echoes, along the set of a shirt the same color broadside. Kournikova also a designer with a pattern with the same short-sleeved jacket zippered jacket.

Kournikova for their new image is also very satisfied. To attend the conference, newly installed in 2,000 fans and local media, she praising his best: "This is a very good design." She started coat, revealing the outline of the graceful tight body shirt, "I especially like this coat, it chose that children often wear light blue color, really fashionable and chic. "

However, careful people found Kournikova posted a piece on the back about 10 cm long tape, there's just a cover up tattoo. Obviously, this is pure Kournikova line with the new image had to do a little "sacrifice."

Kournikova while changing the camera position, while decisively rejected, said: "I have not cared about this matter." Boyfriend has been with different entanglement Kournikova's sex scandal is apparently not gay, but smart, she will not let themselves involved in this silly and dangerous argument in the.
Par mlbjerseys123 - 0 commentaire(s)le 15 août 2011
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